Sunday, 31 January 2016

Welcome...what's happened so far this year

I have finally decided to start a blog about the ongoings of a grade 7 class. Why now? Not sure though I love technology and gadgets just as much as my students, but as a teacher, we can usually only handle one new thing per year and so this seems to be the year of the blog for me.

Interestingly enough, I have been teaching the art of blogging to grade 7s for almost 5 years using Kidblog; I have a Wikispace that is used for informational purposes only; I also communicate with parents using Remind. This year, though, I'm hoping to create more authentic experiences with my students in the area of blogging.

Until that happens, I thought I would share what's been happening in my classroom this school year.

January - Marshmallow Challenge in Science


January - Watercolour Landscapes in Visual Arts

December  Structural Components Testing and Straw Bridge Challenge in Science


December - Pencil Crayon Zentangle Designs in Visual Arts



November - Science Trip to the Bill Mason Center to learn about biotic and abiotic elements with some Phys. Ed. fun in a game of Predator and Prey