Friday, 16 December 2016
One week left
With the unusual cold weather these past two days, students have been kept indoors during recess time. Saturday's expected snowfall will definitely confirm winter's arrival. In these last few days, many activities have been planned both school-wide and within the classroom - class party and dance on Friday! However, there is still a Science test on Tuesday and a Patterning unit test on Wednesday. For the last two days, we will focus on Science structural building challenges and completing chapter work for the graphic novel study.
Monday, 12 December 2016
Snow Day #2 ...and another pattern problem!
Last Tuesday's snow day was mild in comparison to this morning. As you can tell from above, this is what I woke up to and how the drive in to the school went.
Last night I saw a tweet where a Toronto teacher uploaded a video on youtube about a patterning challenge involving snow. The 7 of us who did make it into class today took up the challenge, and here is the result of our work.
Last night I saw a tweet where a Toronto teacher uploaded a video on youtube about a patterning challenge involving snow. The 7 of us who did make it into class today took up the challenge, and here is the result of our work.
Monday, 5 December 2016
What is the Hour of Code?
The Hour of Code started as a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify "code", to show that anybody can learn the basics, and to broaden participation in the field of computer science. It has since become a worldwide effort to celebrate computer science, starting with 1-hour coding activities but expanding to all sorts of community efforts. (
Our Class will be participating in coding activities Thursday and Friday morning this week, exploring what is code and how to code.
Our Class will be participating in coding activities Thursday and Friday morning this week, exploring what is code and how to code.
Thursday, 1 December 2016
We made it through November!
Students worked very hard in meeting deadlines in November. During this process they learned how to fulfill criteria in their project-based learning. They are beginning new units in Math, History and Science, and will have a test in each subject before the Christmas break. As well, they will have graphic novel daily work to complete and submit for evaluation. When they return in January, they will complete smaller assignments for the February report card.
Patterning Problems
The class has just started Patterning and Algebra this week. Today groups collaborated in creating patterning problems with manipulatives and numbers. Tomorrow they will switch the problems they created with another group, solving and practicing how to write a pattern rule in words.
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
Parent Interviews
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Volleyball Season is here! Yay!
For the past two weeks, intermediate girls have been attending try-outs for the girls volleyball team, which I coach. Those girls who made the team from our class are Amira, Yamila, Batoul and Dounya - congratulations girls! In all, 12 girls were successful in making the team, especially since this was one of the most competitive years for trying out. Practices are Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays during the school day. Today is our first official team practice. The regional tournament date has yet to be announced.
Monday, 14 November 2016
WE Day
Last week, Ms. Adema took the "Man Tea" group to the Canadian Tire Centre for We Day. The photo above shows 5 of these boys from our class the day before with their entrance bracelets. They are a privileged group who got to share the inspiration with over 16 000 other students from the Ottawa area. More about this day can be read here.
It's November!
So for the first time in my career I was sick on Hallowe'en and missed the students in their costumes. However, I was given a list of items on the previous Friday from a student that I was to wear on Hallowe'en day. However, I did feel some guilt for missing the day but I was not forgotten. This student made my costume! The pie is actually a hat and the sign was to wear on my outfit - it was a very thoughtful gift and I did wear it on Nov. 1. Thanks Haley! For those of you interested you can read more about Pi Day here.
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Now that the first six weeks have passed, students have had several opportunities to show their learning in different subjects. Some have transitioned well into grade 7 and others are experiencing challenges, particularly with formal testing. Today we discussed strategies such as:
1. Asking for help before a test
2. Reviewing work daily
3. Focusing on vocabulary to help understand bigger ideas
4. Completing assigned review work to prepare for a test
5. Asking friends who do well, what they do to study for a test
Progress reports will go home in the second week of November reflecting work completed up to the end of October.
1. Asking for help before a test
2. Reviewing work daily
3. Focusing on vocabulary to help understand bigger ideas
4. Completing assigned review work to prepare for a test
5. Asking friends who do well, what they do to study for a test
Progress reports will go home in the second week of November reflecting work completed up to the end of October.
Wednesday, 5 October 2016
Thursday, 29 September 2016
September almost over
As we finish the month of September, students are showing progress and high interest in what they are learning. Today we completed a second Math pop quiz and the unit test is Oct. 5. We have been reviewing and learning new poetic devices, using the poetry of song. This coming week they will look for how poetic devices are used in poetry, completing a scavenger hunt booklet with a partner. This assignment will help to prepare them for a poetic device quiz on Oct. 6. In Science, students are very engaged in the class work but have been forgetting to do their homework and have until next Tuesday to catch up. History is progressing well. Tests in both Science and History will occur in the next two weeks. We are concluding our football unit in Phys. Ed. with evaluation of passing, receiving and game play. Harassment (verbal, physical, written and electronic) is the focus in Health for the next month.
Friday, 23 September 2016
End of week three - and we're learning!
After adjusting to routines and schedules, this third week saw the class deep into discussions ranging from conflict in History to ecosystems in Science. This week we began working with the figurative language of poetry through song and will continue doing so next week. Math, however, is causing some challenges as demonstrated on the first quiz. Students are strongly encouraged to practice basic multiplication facts, and we will be doing mental math speed tests for the next few weeks for the initial 5 minutes of class. Within the next two weeks, students will have their first Math unit test focusing on factoring, square roots and order of operations.
Monday, 12 September 2016
Week 2 begins!
At then end of last week most students wrote their wish for this year (see above). This week begins somewhat slowly with Eid, and consequently only 10 of 29 students are at school. We are continuing with some review Monday and Tuesday due to the absences, and will begin with new learning on Wednesday. Also, I have received permission to adjust the student timetable to hopefully ensure improved delivery Math. Consequently, Math will now be taught period one and Language will occur before and after morning recess and nutrition break, beginning Wednesday.
Sunday, 4 September 2016
We are a very big class of over 30 students. Students will be taught all subjects but French and Music by me. To help the daily routines run smoothly, every student will have a class job to help build responsibility and accountability. Students are expected to model positive encouragement. This blog provides subject outlines and expectations, as well as written and visual descriptions of daily/weekly learning activities. Please explore the different pages on this blog site. Have fun in grade 7!
Thursday, 30 June 2016
Have a great summer!
With the last day behind us, I just want to say thank you. We spent the day creating a selfie poster reflecting on what qualities makes each student who they are. They also asked to paint, so they created a watercolour art work of their choice.
It has been a privilege teaching your children, and I can only hope they enjoyed their year. They are definitely ready for grade 8. Until then, they can continue to practice improving their reading skills with (Password: SAWMILL 219) Have a safe and fun summer wherever your travels take you. Ms. Roberts
It has been a privilege teaching your children, and I can only hope they enjoyed their year. They are definitely ready for grade 8. Until then, they can continue to practice improving their reading skills with (Password: SAWMILL 219) Have a safe and fun summer wherever your travels take you. Ms. Roberts
Monday, 20 June 2016

Today the grade 7s (both classes) attended the National Aboriginal Festival as part of their year end trip, where they learned about the cultures of Metis, Inuit and First Nations. They played the Inuit bone and stick game, watched a Pow Wow with Metis dancers, and attended a theatre production by a First Nations group. Although it was a hot day, the students had lots of fun and celebrated the day supporting Aboriginal artisans by purchasing beautiful jewelry, dream-catchers and other decorative items.

Thursday, 9 June 2016
Towards the end
Students have been hard at work these past few weeks learning how to write a research essay and today they finished them. It is one of the last few major assignments they are working on. They still have Monday and Tuesday to complete their Geo Slides that are due Tuesday, and they will finish their group Blendspace activity Thursday so that they can teach the class on Friday. A few fun activities like improv speeches are still left, so lots to do and time is running out!
Thursday, 2 June 2016
20 School Days Left...
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
It's a busy week!
It must be near the end...
Yesterday was not only pajama day but it was also the girls regional soccer tournament and Meadow, Kierra and Amber represented our school with great pride and enjoyed the day.
Today, Hadi and Alsedek went to the boys regional soccer tournament and had an equally great day. Go Cyclones! This Friday, I will be attending the regional track and field meet with grade 7 and 8 students.

In between all of these events, students continue to work hard on final tests and projects bringing the school year to a close.
Thursday, 26 May 2016
Geo Project Begins!
Students have started working on their collaborative inquiry about a topic related to sustainability of a natural resource. The choices range from mining and fishing to solar energy and hybrid vehicles. Independently, they are writing a research essay but with a partner they are investigating their topic and writing in different genres about it. They will present it in a Google Slideshow to the class, and to small groups of other classes in the school.
Thursday, 19 May 2016
Jump Rope for Heart

Today is Jump Rope for Heart. In groups of 3-4, the grade 7s are group leaders of 15-20 primary and junior students. For 2/3 of the day, the grade 7s led these groups through various activities, keeping them active. A great day!
Thursday, 12 May 2016
Seussical, the Musical
The school production of Seussical, the Musical had its school dress rehearsal Tuesday, another dress rehearsal for a community school yesterday, and tonight it had its first of three shows for the public. We wish Meadow, Kierra and Sarah to have great fun these next three days. Tickets still on sale - contact the school.
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Tech Workshop
Students today we're treated to a 30 minute technology workshop. The Code Mobile was in town from Toronto and provided a workshop on Game Controller Design and Makey Makey. The students were most impressed with the virtual reality glasses where they were chased by dinosaurs, almost fell off a cliff, visited the Versailles gardens and went to outer space.
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
Mental Health - Part 2
Our guest speaker from Carleton Uni returned for second visit to talk more about mental health. This week he answered a few questions the students had from last week's presentation. He then discussed phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), eating and sleeping disorders, and schizophrenia. The big message to the students was to eat healthy, exercise, get good sleep, and surround themselves with a supportive network of caring friends and family. Even more, seek help when needed, be aware that someone suffering from a mental health disorder deserves respect, and not to isolate anyone for any reason ever. The students were highly engaged.
Friday, 6 May 2016
Great end to a great week...
The school finished Education Week with Read Aloud Day, Part 2. Students revisited classes they had been paired with in February to enjoy reading each other a picture book. Also, the two newest students in my class are learning how to spell in the English language. Today, the support teacher was helping them with word tiles and they wanted to spell words important to them. A fantastic end to Education Week!
Art on Show
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Mental Health

Today in Health, the students were audience to a special presentation. One of my students from seven years ago, who is now studying Neuroscience at Carleton University, gave a presentation about stress, depression and anxiety. It was a very timely presentation, especially since it's Mental Health Week nation-wide. He will return next week to continue the conversation.
Monday, 2 May 2016
Achieving Excellence: Promoting Well-being - this year's slogan and a worthwhile life-long idea. This week (and next) activities are planned to foster just that!
Sunday, 1 May 2016
A long and busy month, it was
April started out with routine and structure as we continued working through the class novel studies. But, by mid-month there was a spirit day, a dance, a transition from History to Geography, Jump Rope for Heart assembly and a day of being math coaches for younger classes with Mathletes. By the end, we finished the last of the novel study work, and as we move in to May, essays are the last major focus of Language.
With so many interruptions this week, the Science project was off to a rough start but we are back on track. Most students are investigating how Ottawa treats wastewater and using the decision-making process to decide if there are other alternatives to what our city does. After a presentation of their findings we will begin our last unit of Science focusing on Heat.
Students are enjoying the change from History to Geography - it is a very different pace and style of working with information and ideas. We've already had a test on the Five Themes of Geography, and have traveled the world (through some of my vacation photos), learning about landforms, and climate will be our focus this coming week.
With so many interruptions this week, the Science project was off to a rough start but we are back on track. Most students are investigating how Ottawa treats wastewater and using the decision-making process to decide if there are other alternatives to what our city does. After a presentation of their findings we will begin our last unit of Science focusing on Heat.
Students are enjoying the change from History to Geography - it is a very different pace and style of working with information and ideas. We've already had a test on the Five Themes of Geography, and have traveled the world (through some of my vacation photos), learning about landforms, and climate will be our focus this coming week.
Friday, 22 April 2016
“We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” » Native American Proverb
Today we celebrated Earth Day with our first Geography test on the five themes of Geography. Based on their reaction to the test, most students think they did well. When they finished, which most did early, they played a memory card game, matching an environmental tip with a picture. It's been a great day!
Thursday, 14 April 2016
Paper Chromotography
Our last experiment of the unit on Pure Substances and Mixtures, practicing the scientific method. We investigated what happens to a black marker dot on coffee filter paper when water reaches the dot...they were surprised by the results and in awe of the colour separation - now explain that using the Particle Theory!
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